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Tbs Tc Collective Agreement – constanzafigueroa

Tbs Tc Collective Agreement

The TBS TC Collective Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The TBS TC Collective Agreement is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions for employees within the Technical Services (TC) group of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). This agreement governs matters such as wages, benefits, hours of work, sick leave, vacation, and disciplinary processes. As a professional, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the TBS TC Collective Agreement.

What is the TBS TC Collective Agreement?

The TBS TC Collective Agreement is a legally binding document between the employer, TBS, and the bargaining agent, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). The agreement covers over 11,000 employees in various occupations, including engineers, architects, computer systems specialists, and technical writers, among others.

What is covered under the TBS TC Collective Agreement?

Under the agreement, employees are entitled to competitive salaries, increases in pay based on years of service and performance, comprehensive health and dental benefits, and pension plans. The agreement also provides for reasonable hours of work, overtime pay, and provisions for job security. Furthermore, employees are entitled to leave for personal, medical, and family reasons, including bereavement leave, maternity and parental leave, and compassionate care leave.

How is the TBS TC Collective Agreement negotiated?

The TBS TC Collective Agreement is negotiated through a process known as collective bargaining. The bargaining process involves representatives from TBS and the PIPSC negotiating the terms and conditions of the agreement. Once an agreement is reached, it is presented to the union membership for ratification. If the agreement is ratified, it becomes a legally binding contract.

What is the duration of the TBS TC Collective Agreement?

The TBS TC Collective Agreement is typically negotiated for a period of four years. The most recent agreement was signed in 2018 and is set to expire in 2022. Negotiations for a new agreement will begin well before the current agreement expires.

What happens if there is a dispute under the TBS TC Collective Agreement?

If there is a dispute between TBS and the PIPSC regarding the interpretation or application of the TBS TC Collective Agreement, the matter may be referred to a third party for resolution. This may involve mediation or arbitration, depending on the nature of the dispute.

Final Thoughts

The TBS TC Collective Agreement is an important document that governs the terms and conditions of employment for over 11,000 technical services employees within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The agreement provides a framework for fair and equitable treatment for employees and outlines the processes for resolving disputes. As a professional, I hope this article has provided a comprehensive overview of the TBS TC Collective Agreement.

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